Have you checked your air conditioner’s outdoor unit lately only to run into a frozen block of ice? This all too common problem of an air conditioner freezing up can be perplexing to any homeowner who may not be familiar with its causes. Unfortunately there is not one single source of an air conditioner freezing up. To help you track down the cause of your AC unit freezing up, Modern Air & Refrigeration of Sarasota has put together a list of the most common causes of this problem.
The How
The process of an air conditioner freezing up begins with the evaporator coils. They contain refrigerant which is used by your AC unit to regulate temperature. When warm air hits these coils they absorb the heat and warm up removing moisture from the air that then drips off the coils. The freezing becomes an issue when your evaporator coils are not absorbing enough heat, the refrigerant inside freezes the condensed air creating the snowed over look that is commonly associated with air conditioner freeze ups.
The Whys
As previously mentioned your air conditioner freezing up can be caused by several conditions. The most common culprit here in Florida is dirty coils that are prevented from properly transferring cold. Poor airflow to the AC unit can also disrupt this temperature transfer process. Surprisingly low refrigerant can also lead to your air conditioner freezing up. If not enough heat is removed from the air, then the evaporator coils will stay cold causing the condensation on top to freeze over. Lastly, cold weather could be the offender. This is much more likely to happen if the temperature outside reaches below 60 degrees quickly.
The Fix
The aforementioned causes of your air conditioner freezing up can be prevented with a simple tune-up. Regular maintenance checks include blower motor checks, coil cleaning, and refrigerant levels checks, amongst the myriad of other steps taken by your AC maintenance company to ensure your AC unit is functioning at optimal levels. Besides a tune up you want to change your air filter regularly to keep your air flow clear and uninterrupted.
Need help with your air conditioner freezing up? Reach out to Modern Air & Refrigeration your local Sarasota HVAC system specialists 24/7 at (941) 727-0330 or send us a quick message.